Dear Highland Hope Family
For God so loved…that God gave us the huge capacity to “so love” also. As soon as we flip our calendars from January to February, many of us begin thinking about Valentine’s Day and of all the ways that we can communicate our love to others. I have been getting love notes from members of our church family, and I just want to say that it has been wonderful hearing from each of you and about the ways that God is touching your lives through our shared ministry. This morning, while sitting with Rocky, my little lap dog and one of the loves of my life (sorry Jim and Hannah) I talked to God about sending you a love note, to let you know how much I love being with you and serving as your pastor.
Since my arrival in July of 2013, people have asked me, “So how is it going at Highland Hope?” The question comes to me as if there is an expectation that the response will be something less than awesome. For me, when I respond “awesome”, I mean it. I mean that in this very moment, there is no doubt that Highland Hope is exactly where God wants me today. When I say “awesome”, it does not mean that our place of ministry is without challenge. It does mean that, as your pastor, I believe that God is bigger than all of our challenges. I believe in you and I believe in us.
Highland Hope, I love you; not in a surface kind of way where I have to always be in agreement with everyone here or you be in agreement with me. No, I love you deeper than that. It’s the kind of love that I will remember when I am old, retired, sitting in my rocker and telling preacher lady tales about the places where and people with whom God called me to serve, live among and grow. Love Abides!
This Sunday’s sermon in our “Love is…” series, “Love is Risky” is based on Luke 6:27-36.
Our Foundation: I Peter 3:15, But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an
answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this
with gentleness and respect.
Our Mission: Create passionate, lifelong followers of Jesus Christ, by changing lives…
one heart at a time.
Our Core Values:
- Growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ
- Reaching out with God’s love and serving our neighbors
- Making a difference in the lives of people
- Belonging, worshipping, praying, and growing in a loving community of believers
Our Three Simple Rules: Do Good; Do No Harm; Stay in Love with Jesus