12846 Daiber Road
Highland IL 62249

Pastor Appreciation

October is Pastor Appreciation month.

Pastor Bev shares the fruits of the Spirit with us in so many ways! Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

Let’s embrace the fruits of the Spirit  by harvesting gifts for Pastor Bev in return for the fruits she shares with our congregation.

There are some gift ideas below…or feel free to come up with your own. Items may be presented to Pastor Bev anytime during the month of October.

Service Ideas
Detail Car, Wash Windows, Yard Work, Provide Meal, Messages: Text, Prayer, Cards, Facebook, Email

Gift Cards
Gas Cards, Health Food Store, Cato’s, Restaurants, Groceries, Lory Theater, Dog Grooming, Golf Lesson, Cleaning Service, Book Store, Nail Salon

Gift Baskets
Baking/Chef, Golf, Movie Night, Games, Office Supplies, Pamper Me, Fruit Basket, Ice Cream Sundae, Date Night, Coffee/Drinks, Relaxation, Grill Items, Fall Items, Cleaning Supplies, Cardinals, Hope Gear

Gift Ideas
Flowers, Fruit Bouquet, Highland Hope Logo Items