Highland Hope’s Mission Team is joining with other churches
(EVUCC, St. Paul, Mosaic, Highland Community, 1st Congregational, 1st Baptist and PANG,
which includes churches in Pierron, Alhambra, New Douglas and Grantfork)
to provide the
Loving United Neighbors Crushing Hunger Program
this summer for children in our local communities June 3-August 9.
There will be several different stops where kids can meet L.U.N.C.H. Bunch volunteers 5 days a week to receive a lunch.
How can we do this? With lots of volunteers! Highland Hope’s day is Tuesday, so we begin on June 3. There will be three vehicles making deliveries with 2 volunteers each. But before that we need volunteers to do shopping and packing the lunches, as well as other tasks.
Also, we are accepting donations of 100% juice boxes for the lunches. Please make sure they are 100% juice!
Also, we can use donations of individually wrapped treats and ziploc bags.
Please contact Linda Montayne at missions@highlandhope.org if you can help even one week. Let’s work together to feed the kids!