#HHOPE’s Hospitality Team is a great way to plug in and meet people! We are always looking for new people who want to serve.
The coordinators are hosting a hospitality training event, and we are asking all current team members as well as those who would like to join our team to mark your calendars now and plan to attend.
There will be a light supper served at 6:30 p.m. and the training begins at 7 p.m.
We need everyone to attend so that you are current in how we would like to welcome our guests. We will also be covering safety and security issues that the church is implementing.
Since we are the first people our guests contact, our help is important! We want to make sure that all guests have a warm welcome and get the information they need.
Please RSVP — 4 ways to do so:
Hospitality Facebook Page
Sign-up sheet at the Welcome Desk
Let Your Sunday Coordinator Know
Respond on the Form Below
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