Our office will be closed during this time due to the activities involved in recarpeting the offices, nursery and classrooms downstairs. We will begin clearing the nursery and Joy room on Sunday, August 13. This will allow for carpet removal Monday morning on the west side while the installers’ crew will be moving everything out of staff offices into the worship area.
Due to the dust and mold in the air from the removal and glue fumes from the installation, staff will not be in for regular office hours. Most of our computers will be offline, and we will have no printers until we can put things back. Please bear with us as we work through this.
If you have something scheduled in the building during this time, you probably want to hold your even at some other location. Using the new stairwell to access the upstairs would be an option, but even there people could be exposed through the vent system.
Thank you for your patience and giving that allows us this upgrade!