For God So Loved….that God gave us Mothers; all kinds of mothers and even brothers who have “mothered” us. Today as I prepare to celebrate Mother’s Day, a precious memory returned to my heart as I recalled my days of coaching in Hayti, Missouri.
I specifically remembered a little boy who was in the third grade. Each morning, that little boy got up and prepared oatmeal for himself, for his first grade sister and for his kindergarten baby brother. Every day he went through the same ritual of being attentive to get himself and his siblings to the bus stop on time for the school bus.
None of us adults knew his story until one cold, snowy, January morning when the three children showed up at school without coats or boots. His little sister was dressed in a sleeveless shirt, flip flops and shorts. That was the day the adults realized the need for intervention.
Today, I pause to give thanks for that big brother who “mothered” his siblings as best as he knew how at his tender young age. I wonder how many of us might use this weekend as an opportunity to also give thanks for those, like him, who did not choose to become mothers, but rather than allow others to go without, stepped up to the plate and gave their very best.
For some, it may have been a big sister, a neighborhood friend, or a church family member, who stepped in and cared for you as though you were their very own. I ask you, “Is there someone you need to call this weekend?” They are waiting to hear from you. See you in Church!